South Side - Englewood. Going to seed. Finding the small details amidst the quiet of winter. The looks I get from people are sometimes funny when I’m photographing the neighborhood. Two guys roll by in a check caprice and check me out. I nod to them and they reluctantly nod back barely moving their heads down. Most people probably assume I’m a narc. I had just photographed two narcs patting down a teenager minutes before I took the shot but I like these types of pictures - the details that we bypass and everyone fails to notice. I love the flower going to seed in the early winter or is it late fall sunlight. Frozen and open to the world. #seed #nature #environment #southside #englewood #tedfellows #tedfellow #energy #blackandwhite
South Side - Back of the Yards The Union Stock Yards closed for good in 1971 but today there is still some solid industry in the neighborhood including some which are using wind power for great benefit. Chicago is changing and there’s no escaping the reality that the city’s entering a new global reality. Gone are most of the steel mills, factories and industrial centers. What comes next in communities on the South and West sides is still in flux but certainly alternatives are coming. The economy is changing. windmill #windoower #southside #backoftheyards #energy #winter #street #snow #cold #communiy
South Side - Englewood. Two legends one local and one international stare at me. Bob Marley on the left needs no explanation. Derrick Rose, the powerhouse ball player who attended Simeon high school and signed a 250 million dollar contract just months before he blew out his left knee almost two years ago. He came back to play for a short time this year and injured his right knee. A seemingly humble young man who grew up in Englewood on the South Side I can’t help but hope he recovers. All that money doesn’t replace the incredible potential and joy of both playing and watching this exciting player. Here’s to you Derrick! Hope you make it back soon. #bball #basketball #englewood #southside #cash #bobmarley #love #games #nba @noorimages #tedfellows #publicart
South Side - The Back of the Yards For more than 100 years the Union Stockyards were the largest meat supplier in the world. Known as a destination for immigrants the are helped make Chicago known as the ‘Hog Butcher to the World.’ The place was made famous by Upton Sinclair’s book The Jungle, which among other thing talked about the horrible work conditions and the predatory real estate practices in Chicago in the early 20th Century. Today the land is home to various factories but all the Stock Yards were closed before 1971. Today the neighborhood is still home to migrants from a variety of countries above all Mexico. #backoftheyards #love #power #wealth #southside # @noorimages #tedfellows #tedfellow
South Side - Englewood. Sometimes it’s hard for me to imagine what it’s like to grow up and live in Englewood. It’s hard when you’re not from a place to truly understand it and although I’ve been here a long time I still sometimes feel as if I’m a total stranger. I try my best to get it though. Sure do. #vacancy #tedfellows #snow #winter #power #decay #abandoned #englewood #loss #pride #power #southside #blackandwhite #nofilter
#SouthLoop When I first moved back to #Chicago in 1997 I spent a whole lot of time in the South Loop. Wasn’t much there back then, but a few SRO’s and #abandoned factory buildings. Today it’s become one of the hottest and most up and coming neighborhoods which has begun the march of #gentrification South! I recall walking across #Roosevelt towards the newest #Dominick’s supermarket and there was little in the way of development. Today that’s all changed. The #repackaged #city is in full effect!